Examination of Studies Regarding Pre-Service Efl Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (Tpack) in Turkey
One of the sets of skills most in demand in the 21 st century is information, media, and technologyskills. In addition to these most demanded skills, qualified teachers are expected to masterpedagogical and content knowledge as well. For this reason, teachers’ competencies with regardto their technological, pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) have been the subject ofmuch debate in recent years. This study aims to analyse studies on pre-service English as aForeign Language (EFL) teachers’ TPACK competencies in Turkey with respect to the aims,methods, participants, and findings of the selected studies. The study employs meta-synthesismethod to determine the research tendency of certain studies about current TPACKcompetencies of pre-service EFL teachers in Turkey. To this end, 3 dissertations and 12 articlesbetween the years of 2005-2018 have been analysed in terms of aims, method, subject group,and findings. The articles and dissertations have been reached through searching databases withcertain keywords. ERIC, EBSCHOHost, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Springer, TÜBİTAKULAKBİM Dergipark, and YÖK National Dissertation Center have been used as research databasesin the study. The results of the study reveal that research investigating TPACK of pre-service EFLteachers mainly focus on development of TPACK over time, the effect of TPACK-based treatment,gender, and academic achievement, development of TPACK self-assessment survey, comparisonof TPACK among pre-service, in-service, and formation program students, and finally TPACK andits reflections on lesson planning. It is also concluded that although pre-service EFL Teachers’TPACK competencies in Turkey seem to be highly developed in the studies, more descriptive andexperimental studies are required to have a satisfactory perspective of the current competencelevels of the students.
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