Kolalı dondurma üretimi
In this study, the use of cola extract and cola flavor in ice cream production were investigated. Cola extract was used at rates of between 0 and 1.5% based on mix weight. The samples with Na_{2}CO_{3} (between 0 and 20% and based on the weight of cola extract) were used to balance the acidic taste of the samples due to the low pH of the cola extract. Cola flavor was used at rates of between 0 and 0.15% based on mix weight. According to the sensory evaluation results, the ice cream containing 0.75% cola extract, 15% Na_{2}CO_{3} and 0.10% cola flavor was preferred the most by the panelists. These results showed that cola extract and cola flavor could be used in ice cream production.
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and ForestryCilt