Farklı Toprak oluşumlarında pedolojik benzerliklerin çok değişkenli istatistiksel analizi
Bu çalışmada killi aluviyal depozitler, marn ve bazalt ana materyalleri ve farklı yükseklikler üzerinde oluşan toprakların pedolejik özellikleri dikkate alınarak, fziko-kimyasal özelliklerine göre benzerliklerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma, Samsun ili Ondokuzmayıs ilçesi içerisinde yer alan SAMMEY tarım işletmesi alanında yürütülmüştür. Typic Haplustept, Typic Calciustept ve Leptic Hapulustert olarak sınıfandırılan toprakların benzerliklerine göre sınıfandırılmasında çok değişkenli istatistik yöntemlerinden kümeleme ve çok boyutlu ölçekleme yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Kümeleme yöntemine göre Leptic Hapulustert ve Typic Calciustepte ait horizonlar ile Typic Haplustepte ait C horizonu benzer olarak algılanarak aynı grupta sınıfandırılmıştır. Typic Haplustepte ait diğer horizonlar ise bu horizonlardan farklı algılanmıştır. Çok boyutlu ölçekleme yöntemi ile yapılan sınıfandırmada kümeleme ile önemli benzerlikler göstermiştir. Ayrıca çok boyutlu ölçekleme yönteminde toprakların benzerliklerinin ortaya konulmasında birincil boyutta en önemli olan fziko-kimyasal toprak özelliklerinin kil, KDK, kum, silt ve yarayışlı Fe olduğu belirlenmiştir. The main goal of this study is to determine relationships between soils formed on fne alluvial depozit, marl and basalt parent materials and different elevations by taking into consideration of pedologic properties using multivariate statistical analyses according to their physico-chemical characteristics. This research was carried out in SAMMEY farm state area located in Ondokuz Mayis district of Samsun province. Cluster analysis and multi dimentional scaling known as multivariate statistical analyses were used to determine similarity soils classifed as Typic Haplustept, Typic Calciustept ve Leptic Hapulustert. According to cluster method, horizons belonging to Leptic Hapulustert and Typic Calciustept and C horizon of Typic Haplustept were determined to be similar. On the other hand, other horizons of Typic Haplustept were found different from horizons of Leptic Hapulustert and Typic Calciustept. In addition, the same results were obtained from using these multivariate statistical analysis methods. Besides, Clay, CEC, sand, silty, and available Fe of soils were determined to be the most signifcant physico- chemical soil properties by taking into consideration of their similarities in multi dimentional scaling method. The main goal of this study is to determine relationships between soils formed on fne alluvial depozit, marl and basalt parent materials and different elevations by taking into consideration of pedologic properties using multivariate statistical analyses according to their physico-chemical characteristics. This research was carried out in SAMMEY farm state area located in Ondokuz Mayis district of Samsun province. Cluster analysis and multi dimentional scaling known as multivariate statistical analyses were used to determine similarity soils classifed as Typic Haplustept, Typic Calciustept ve Leptic Hapulustert. According to cluster method, horizons belonging to Leptic Hapulustert and Typic Calciustept and C horizon of Typic Haplustept were determined to be similar. On the other hand, other horizons of Typic Haplustept were found different from horizons of Leptic Hapulustert and Typic Calciustept. In addition, the same results were obtained from using these multivariate statistical analysis methods. Besides, Clay, CEC, sand, silty, and available Fe of soils were determined to be the most signifcant physico- chemical soil properties by taking into consideration of their similarities in multi dimentional scaling method.
Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü DergisiCilt