Age and growth of Alburnus tarichi (Guldenstadt, 1814): an endemic fish species of Lake Van (Turkey)
In total, 240 tarek, Alburnus tarichi, specimens were caught throughout February 2008 in Lake Van, Turkey, a lake with highly salty-alkaline conditions. Ages, lengths and weights of A. tarichi were determined to estimate length-weight relationships and age composition. Otolith dimensions were also determined. Female : male ratio was 1.47 : 1. Fork length and total weight of specimens ranged from 14.3 to 19.2 cm and 45.76 to 99.63 g, respectively. Maximum age observed was 6 years. Length-weight relationships were calculated for female, male and combined sexes as, W = 0.057FL(2.582) W = 0.102FL(2.513) W = 0.074FL(2.544), respectively. Concerning types of growth, negative allometric growth (b < 3) was observed for all tarek specimens. The lagenar otolith was large and flat and marks on otoliths were typically clear, consistent and easy to interpret. Mean otolith length, breadth and weight were determined as 2.592 mm, 2.381 mm, 0.0026 g, respectively. While the otolith weight displayed a curvilinear relationship with the fork length, otolith length and breadth were linearly related to the fork length by height correlation coefficients.