Using Viscosity Values for Determining Somatic Cell Count in Cow Milk
This study was carried out to determine using possibility of viscosity values for determination of dairy milk quality. Bucket raw bovine milk samples collected from smallholder dairy farms were analyzed on five test days. While somatic cell count of milk samples (DMSCC) were obtained by direct microscopy, viscosity values (VMSCC) were assessed by a viscosty meter. In spite of relatively lower values had been recorded in VMSCC, no significant difference was found according to both methods. In subgroup evaluation by DMSCC and VMSCC, 22.4 and 34.0% of the samples were lower than the legal SCC limit for human consumption, respectively. Calculated high correlation (r = 0.783, p<0.01) between VMSCC and DMSCC shown reliable using ability of viscosity values in dairy enterprises for determination of SCC or raw milk quality.