Readiness Levels of Science Students in Writing About Inorganic Compounds
The studies done in chemistry field at international level show that students have difficulty in learning of "Naming Chemical Compounds" subject that is one of the most important and the most basic subjects of chemistry as well as sets up a substructure for future subjects. In this scope, in this research it was aimed to obtain readiness of students in writing of inorganic compounds. The research was conducted with total of 47 students educating in the 1st grade of Science Teaching programme in a state university in Blacksea region of Turkey. The datas in the research were collected in the scope of a knowledge test involving 100 inorganic compound (ionic and covelent bond) developed by researcher and General Chemistry lesson. Among compounds in the knowledge test, writing formulation of N=55 and writing names of N=45 were wanted. Readiness levels were seperated into four cathegories as between 0-25 points is "low", 26-50 points is "mean", 51-75 points is "good" and 76-100 points is "very good". According to findings of research for N=47 students, arithmetic mean of total points obtained from knowledge test is (X) over bar =14.55 and its standard deviation is s=10.27. According to these results the readiness levels of students about writing inorganic compounds were obtained as "low". According to the results of independent samples t-test done to obtain if demanding of writing formulation or name of inorganic compound from students is effective or not in occurence of this low level; incase of demanding to write name or formulation of compound, there was not obtained a significant difference between success average points of students [t((98))=-.932; p=.353>.05]. According to research results, as readiness levels of science students are low in writing inorganic compounds, they can be stand on programmes prepared available for circular structure with students having limited number of compound names during primary and secondary school period as well as applications based on memorization that may be used in education. Memorization can cause getting bored of student and close himself to learning by posing an obstacle in front of meaningful learning and permenancy of learned knowledge. That is why in order to teach writing of inorganic compounds better, using student centered methods and techniques with participation of students is thought to increase permenancy of teaching.