Now showing items 1-5 of 5
The Potassium Fixation Capacities of Different Textural Soils
In this study, potassium fixation capacities of clay, loam and loamy sand soils were determined byLangmuir and Freundlich isotherms, and relationships between isotherm coefficients and soil properties wereinvestigated. ...
Farklı Katkı Maddeleriyle Peletlenen Buğday ve Soya Samanlarının İn Vitro Gaz Üretim Parametreleri ile Metan Üretimlerinin Belirlenmesi
Bu çalışmada, melas, guar küspesi ve sepiyolit ilavesiyle peletlenen buğday ve soya samanlarının besinmadde içerikleri, in vitro gaz üretimleri, in vitro sindirilebilirlikleri ve metan üretimlerinin belirlenmesiamaçlanmıştır. ...
Plant Height Control of Narcissus cv. ‘Ice Follies’ by Gibberellin Inhibitors as Bulb Soak
In this study, effect of gibberellin inhibtors as preplant bulb soaks on plant height of Narcissus cv. ‘IceFollies’ grown in pots were investigated. Bulbs of Narcissus cv. ‘Ice Follies’ were soaked in flurprimidol at 0, ...
Pepper Harvest Mechanism
Due to increased food need, plant cultivation issue has started to come up more often. As in all stagesof plant cultivation, the importance of harvesting is also increasing. Due to the consequences of shifting theworkforce ...
Determination of the Effects of Pumpkin Rootstock on Yield and Fruit Quality in Mini Watermelon Cultivation
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of the pumpkin rootstocks developed throughhybridization breeding technique on the yield and fruit quality in grafted mini watermelon cultivation. Inthis research, seven ...