Browsing by Author "Kurt, Murat"
Now showing items 1-20 of 34
Alkalin peroksit esaslı protez temizleyici ajanların akrilik dişlerin yüzey sertliği üzerindeki etkisi
Saraç, Y. Şinasi; Saraç, Duygu; Kurt, Murat (2004)Amaç: İki alkalin peroksit iÇerikli kimyasal temizleyici ajanIn, iki farklı marka akrilik rezin dişin yüzey sertliği üzerindeki etkilerini incelemektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: iki alkalin peroksit esasli temizleme ajani (Steradent ... -
Atrofik dişsiz üst çene kemiğinde, farklı yerleşimli zigomatik implantlar üzerine uygulanan protetik restorasyonlar sonucu oluşan stresin sonlu eleman stres analizi ile değerlendirilmesi / Tuğba Can ; Danışman Murat Kurt.
Can, Tuğba (Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, 2019)… -
Conversion of Local Anesthesia-Guided Deep Brain Stimulation of the Subthalamic Nucleus to General Anesthesia
Kocabicak, Ersoy; Aygun, Dursun; Alptekin, Onur; Guz, Hatice; Kurt, Murat; Sarihasan, Binnur; Temel, Yasin (Thieme Medical Publ Inc, 2013)Background Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is a widely applied procedure in the treatment of patients with advanced Parkinson disease and is generally performed under local anesthesia. Here we report ... -
Could Microwave Glazing Be Considered as an Alternative to Conventional Surface Finishing Methods of Ceramic Materials in Terms of Color Stability?
Sanal, Fatma Ayse; Kurt, Murat (Quintessence Publishing Co Inc, 2020)Purpose:To examine microwave heating for the purpose of ceramic glazing as an alternative to conventional methods in terms of color stability. Materials and Methods: Thirty disk-shaped specimens (11 x 2 mm) of VITA VM 9, ... -
Cu (II) ve VO (II) geçiş metal iyonu katkılı di-potasyum sülfat kompleksinin ESR tekniği ile incelenmesi / Murat Kurt ; Danışman Fahri Çelik.
Kurt, Murat (Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2017)… -
Determination of Resin Bond Strength to Zirconia Ceramic Surface Using Different Primers
Ural, Cagri; Kulunk, Tolga; Kulunk, Safak; Kurt, Murat; Baba, Seniha (Informa Healthcare, 2011)Objective. To evaluate the effect of different primers on the bond strength of adhesive resin cement to zirconia ceramic surface in vitro. Material and methods. Thirty zirconia disk-shaped ceramic specimens (10x2 mm<SU2</SU) ... -
Differential Item Functioning by Education and Sex in Subtests of the Repeatable Battery Assessment of Neuropsychological Status
Kurt, Murat; Karakaya, Ismail; Safaz, Ismail; Ates, Gonul (Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, 2015)The main objective of this study is to evaluate functions of the items changing with the gender and educational level in the List Learning and the Picture Naming subtests in the Repeatable Battery Assessment of Neuropsychological ... -
Effect of air abrasion particles on the bond strength of adhesive resin cement to zirconia core
Kulunk, Safak; Kulunk, Tolga; Ural, Cagri; Kurt, Murat; Baba, Seniha (Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2011)Objective. To evaluate the effect of air abrasion with different particles of different sizes and forms on the shear bond strength of adhesive resin cement to zirconia core. Material and methods. Sixty zirconia core disks ... -
Effect of different air-abrasion particles on metal-ceramic bond strength
Kulunk, Tolga; Kurt, Murat; Ural, Cagri; Kulunk, Safak; Baba, Seniha (Elsevier Taiwan, 2011)Background/purpose: Chipping and delaminating of veneering ceramics are critical problems in the fabrication of metal-ceramic restorations. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of different air-abrasion ... -
The Effect of Different Surface Treatments on Cement-Retained Implant-Supported Restorations
Kurt, Murat; Kulunk, Tolga; Ural, Cagri; Kulunk, Safak; Danisman, Sengul; Savas, Soner (Allen Press Inc, 2013)The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the various surface treatment methods on the retention of single crowns on implant abutments. The study included 50 single crowns that were cemented with adhesive ... -
The Effect of Laser Treatment on Bonding Between Zirconia Ceramic Surface and Resin Cement
Ural, Cagri; Kulunk, Tolga; Kulunk, Safak; Kurt, Murat (Informa Healthcare, 2010)Objective. The purpose of this in-vitro study was to evaluate and compare the effects of different surface treatments and laser irradiation on the shear bond strength of resin cement to zirconia-based ceramic. Material and ... -
Effect of pre-processing methods on bond strength between acrylic resin teeth and acrylic denture base resin
Kurt, Murat; Sarac, Yakup Sinasi; Ural, Cagri; Sarac, Duygu (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012)Objectives: This study evaluated the effects of various pre-processing methods on the bond strength between resin and denture teeth. Backgrounds: Debonding of acrylic resin teeth from denture base material is a problem for ... -
The Effect of Screw Color and Technique to Fill Access Hole on the Final Color of Screw-Retained Implant Crowns
Kurt, Murat; Ural, Cagri; Kulunk, Tolga; Sanal, Ayse Fatma; Erkocak, Ayca (Allen Press Inc, 2011)The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of screw color and thickness of the composite on the final implant color. Gray and golden-colored titanium specimens were used as 2 different backgrounds. Composite ... -
Effects of different surface treatments on the bond strength of glass fiber-reinforced composite root canal posts to composite core material
Kurt, Murat; Guler, Ahmet Umut; Duran, Ibrahim; Uludamar, Altay; Inan, Ozgur (Elsevier Taiwan, 2012)Background/purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of different surface treatments on the bond strength of glass fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) posts to composite core material. Materials and ... -
Effects of ideomotor apraxia on functional outcomes in patients with right hemiplegia
Unsal-Delialioglu, Sibel; Kurt, Murat; Kaya, Kurtulus; Culha, Canan; Ozel, Sumru (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008)The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of ideomotor apraxia on activities of daily living and to determine if the presence of apraxia interferes with rehabilitation. This study was conducted on 47 patients ... -
Farklı pH ortamlarında bir silikon esaslı yumuşak astar materyalinin su ve yapay tükürük emilimi ve çözünürlüğünün incelenmesi
Saraç, Şinasi; Saraç, Duygu; Kurt, Murat (2003)Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı, pH 4 ve pH 6,7'ye sahip yapay tükürük ve distile su içerisinde silikon esaslı yumuşak astar materyali olan Ufi-Gel P'nin farklı zaman periyotlarmdaki emilim ve çözünürlüğünü incelemektir. Materyal ... -
Geçici simantasyon sonrası dentin yüzeyi temizleme işlemlerinin cam iyonomer ve adeziv rezin simanın dentine bağlanma dayancı üzerine etkisi
Saraç, Duygu; Saraç, Y. Şinasi; Kurt, Murat; Kurt, Şafak (2004)Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı, öjenol içermeyen bir geçici simanın dentin yüzeyinden üç farklı temizleme yöntemi ile uzaklaştırılması işlemlerinin, cam iyonomer ve adeziv rezin simanın dentine bağlanma dayana üzerindeki etkilerini ... -
Güncel Cad/cam seramik bloklarında farklı yüzey işlemlerinin makaslama bağlanma dayanımına etkisinin incelenmesi / Onur Etöz ; danışman Murat Kurt.
Etöz, Onur (Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, 2015)… -
Kumlama yöntemindeki değişkenlerin soy olmayan alaşımlar ile adeziv rezin siman arasındaki bağlanma dayancına etkilerinin incelenmesi / Murat Kurt.
Kurt, Murat (Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2004)Bu çalışmanın amacı, iki farklı alaşım kullanılarak, farklı boyuttaki kumlarla farklı sürelerde, basınçlarda ve uygulama mesafelerinde kumlama işleminin, adeziv rezin siman ile alaşımlar arasındaki bağlanma dayancı üzerindeki ...